Any queries from parents and other members of the public are handled firstly through the office administration team (Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Smith) who will then contact the relevant member of staff to speak to.
Dial Park Primary School
Halfmoon Lane
Tel: 0161 483 1445
Headteacher: James Clark
Our opening times are 8AM for breakfast club.
School day runs between 8:50AM to 3:05PM
After school club 3.05 to 6pm on site through Offerton Child Care - Contact 07769293757 or email:
No one in our school is paid over £100,000
"Teachers in the early years and key stage 1 build pupils’ phonic knowledge skilfully."- OFSTED 2023
School Vision and Values
Vision “Our school, Our future”
Safeguarding and Prevent
Our Designated Safeguarding Governor Karen Southwick – Chair of Governors
Designated Safeguarding Lead - James Clark – Headteacher - Level 3 safeguarding trained. Designated Safeguarding Lead EYFS - Victoria Beecham - Deputy Headteacher Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Carol Smith – SENDCO released from teaching full time and working with vulnerable children with an SEND - Level 3 safeguarding trained.
Supporting Safeguarding Lead - Gill Johnson - Pastoral teacher 3 days per week (Monday to Wednesday) and working with vulnerable children without an SEND - Level 3 safeguarding trained.
This team (along with all staff being trained at level 1 or higher) gives us depth and support in making more informed decisions around the safeguarding needs of our school community.
We are situated together at the hub of the school and converse daily informally about the needs of our community.
We are also supported by the SaP collaboration of campus schools (Special and Primary).
All staff are trained in at least level 1 safeguarding awareness which is updated every year.
Team teach and de-escalation techniques are taught every 3 years and more often to those staff whose children require additional support.
James Clark (Headteacher) is the designated lead for Prevent. All staff complete online prevent training through the government prevent training course. John Benvie is our Prevent Governor. Advice and support is also taken from the SaP collaboration of campus schools.